How to sell cloud backup to senior management.

How to sell cloud backup to senior managementBackup is critical

We all know it’s important to have multiple copies of the information that matters to our businesses. Knowing we should do something, however, isn’t the same as doing it consistently and doing it well — which is why backup often fails.

Many organizations still rely on outdated backup strategies that put the business at risk of cybercrime, human error, physical disasters, and more. But because the business “already has a backup plan,” or because backup isn’t a shiny new object, it can be difficult to convince senior management to make it a priority. Read on for the insights and information you need to make a compelling case for modern backup at your organization.

In this white paper we’ll discuss:

  • The basics of backup
  • Threats to your data and how data loss can impact your business
  • 10 ways to justify the switch to cloud backup
  • The 11:11 advantage: cloud backup from the industry leader in data protection
Get the White Paper

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Dr. Martens
City of Bend